What do you do during the day? You probably go to school, then go home and hang out with friends or family, right? Well, life as a medieval child is way different than that. Do you have a job? Do you work for your family everyday? Probably not. But a medieval child did. They worked all day long. Of course they played a little bit, but most of the time they had to do their share of the family work. You could say that it was their "chores."
A lot of children stayed home and didn’t go to school. Some did, but most didn’t. Girls would stay home and learn how to run the household like their mother. The mothers showed the girls how to cook, clean, and everything else. The boys went with their father to learn the family business. They were supposed to follow in their fathers footsteps. And we thought school was really hard. Just imagine you’re 7 years old and already trying to follow your father or mothers footsteps.
I like that you added alot od voice to this one. Becauiise it make me feel bad of complainging about school where here they are 7 years old at school. They should be in kidergarten playing with toys and taking naps and all kind of other stuff.